AACIMINAR : Guest Lecture “Consumer Behaviour and Marketing”

In Collaboration between Asian Association for Consumer Interest and Marketing with Faculty of Human Ecology IPB University, will be held on Saturday, 29th October 2022. Presenting the best speaker who are experts in Consumer Behaviour and Marketing

Saturday, 29 October 2022

8.00 a.m – 10.00 a.m ( Jakarta Local Time )

Common Class Room, IPB University

Proudly Present Our Speakers :

  1. Dr. Agus Heru Darjono, S.E., M.M ( Corporate Strategy Director, PT Darya Varia Laboratoria )
  2. Dr. Gancar C Premananto, CMA. CDM. CNLP ( Head of Department Management, Airlangga University )
  3. Dr. Hera Laxmi Devi Septiani, S.Sos, M.Si., M.Comn ( Head of Brand and Content Marketing Disney+ Hotstar, The Walt Disney Company Indonesia )
  4. Dr. Ir. Sri Hartono, MM., CMA., CHRA ( CEO PT BMS Group and PT CPJ )
  5. Dr. Ir. Sufrin Hannan, MM ( Vice Rector Human Resources and Finance, Pakuan University )
  6. Prof. Dr. Yosini Deliana, Ir., Ms. ( Professor of Agribusiness, Padjajaran University )

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